Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Sleepless Generation

It's been almost a week since Timmy's sleeping habits changed. Actually, it's taking a lot to put him to sleep. When he is sleepy he fights and just keeps on playing around the house and nursing him just won't do anymore. When we lull him to sleep he kicks and cries and it requires tremendous amount of patience to put this little boy to sleep. 

Through my conversations with other parents I learned that I am not alone. They seem to have the same problem and I asked what do you do about it. Well, I get a blank face which screams I don't know...I'm also at a lost about it. I came across this interesting article on the so called sleepless generation. The article talks about the challenges of putting a child to sleep and the effects of sleeping late among other things. 

Now, my hubby and I are at a loss on how to deal with the sleeping problem.
  #1 Do we force him to sleep? 
  #2 Do we let him cry it out until he gets tired until he falls asleep? 
  #3 Do we give in to his desire of not sleeping? 

If only kids came with a manual but they don't so I really don't know what to do.  All we can do is pray for wisdom. 

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