Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What a Ride!

The past two weeks have been a roller coaster ride for me. It was a high and low of emotions and mish mash of events. 

It all started when Timmy got sick with cough that eventually worsened to a viral infection, bronchiolitis. He was crying and coughing all the time and reached the point that he was already vomiting so that he could breathe. Poor baby. Imagine my panic while this was happening. I was alone and sent a panic text to my pediatrician and when she didn't answer immediately I contacted my other doctor friend for help.  Thank God for these people. 

The sleeplessness nights and tiring days lasted for more than a week. Our days would be filled of forcing him to take the medicines and the smart cookie would shut his mouth and would scream his lungs out. Our nights would be about putting him to sleep which would be filled with crying and screaming again. In between that would be feeding him and giving him water which he refused because his throat was sore. In a word, stress!

This is the first time Timmy got sick and I wasn't prepared for it. I guess we are never really prepared for the things that come our way but what matters is what we learn from these experiences. Going through this made me appreciate more the people in my life. I appreciate my husband more because he was there all the time to help. Friends who go the extra mile to help no matter what. Family who are there to lend a hand. I realized the value of relationships. It is a joy and a blessing to have a child and equally joyous to have these people in my life. It was one crazy ride but I would go through it again knowing that I have these people in my life. 

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