Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy days are over

I had my first fight with my almost three month old son last night. What did we fight about? Thumb sucking or better yet fist sucking.

I've always felt against thumb sucking because I saw what it could do to your thumb (aesthetics) and that it pacifies the baby thus he doesn't learn to sleep by himself. Early on hubby and I have been talking about whether we would let Timmy thumbsuck and decided that we would since his only a baby. But then last night while I was putting him to sleep I decided to not let him thumbsuck and boy did he react violently almost like he was throwing a tantrum. Our "fight" lasted quite awhile. I eventually got tired and just let him continue sucking his thumb.

I had to ask my hubby again if we were right in letting him have his thumb because I was surprised by how Timmy reacted. We decided to ask the doctor and she said to not let him thumbsuck because it's his way to pacify himself and she jokingly (half half) told us that we let him do it so that he would keep quiet. Yikes! so true for me! It got me thinking that ya since we let him thumbsuck it was a bit easier for us to keep him quiet. Timmy quiet = more time to do what I want. When you think about it kinda selfish.

Ha! to be a parent you always have to do what is right for your child even if it means that sacrificing your wants. So now, we've (much to my hubby's dismay) decided to be firm against thumbsucking. From now on Timmy will always have mittens on. We won't always be there to grab his hands away from his mouth but at least we're doing our part. Actually his doctor gave us an good his mittens (with his hands in it) to his clothes! haha! I wish it were that easy. Looking forward (yak!) to more fights with my son.

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