Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Unhealthy me

With all the talk on health and wellness, I've come to the conclusion that I am so unhealthy. I don't exercise, I love to eat junk food and chocolates and I sleep late.

It's been so long since I've done some aerobic activity and the desire to go back is there but it's quite difficult with a baby around. I've gained so much weight when I was pregnant and I want to lose it all. The mind is willing but the body is not...hehehe so all I can pretty much do right now is control my food intake which is soo difficult when I see hubby eating all the junk and sweets he wants and not gain an ounce. Oh well that's life!

It takes conscious effort to be healthy, discipline and prayers. You always have to think before you eat, be organized so that you can squeeze in exercise and support from the people around. It's a decision one has to make and I'm not sure if I'm ready give up my cheetos and chocolates.

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