Sunday, March 16, 2008


Lately, I've been doing some me time late at night after I put my baby to sleep and my hubby has also fallen into slumber land and I just realized that I'm enjoying the silence. Nobody but me is awake in the house. All I hear is the gentle buzz of the fan and the keyboard clicking. It's bliss.

After a days worth of the baby's cry, the noisy dogs and neighbors, a honking jeepney that always passes by our house in the afternoon, a barrage of cars and trucks passing by, tv blasting and after taking care of household affairs it's a simple pleasure to be alone and enjoy the silence.

This I can enjoy for at least an hour. An hour to screensuck. An hour to eat. An hour to relax in front of the tv. An hour to do what I want to do and then I head off to bed and then wake up and deal with the hustle and bustle of the day's activities.

Thank you Lord for this precious hour of silence.

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